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Navigating The Transition

Moving from friendship to a romantic relationship is a delicate and often challenging transition. However, if handled with care and clarity, it can lead to...



The Journey To Commitment

Building a lasting relationship is a journey that requires effort, understanding, and patience from both partners. Commitment is a pivotal aspect of any partnership, yet...



The Ultimate Sign of Commitment

Marriage stands as one of humanity's oldest institutions, a binding agreement that precedes the written word, surviving through antiquity to modern times. Its evolution reflects...



Getting Your Partner to Commit

Commitment in a relationship often feels like the ultimate seal of mutual affection and understanding. It represents a desire to move forward as a unit,...



Finally Leaving Forever

Couples with a rocky history tend to believe they will always get back together after a few incidents, so it can be surprising when one...



Developing a Relationship into Friendship

For couples who find that dating does not suit them, there are alternative paths for them to choose. They might find it is best to...



Understanding a Confusing Relationship

For couples who long to be together but continue to break up, there are often issues they have never been able to face between them....



Finding an Unexpected Partner

When two people are in a relationship full of drama, they often separate for short periods of time. They may both, in the back of...



A Neutral Companion

While the attraction to an on again, off again relationship is understandable, it is draining on the participants. They experience euphoria when their relationship begins...



Making a Final Decision

Drama is wonderful when viewed on television or in a book, but real life drama is exhausting. Couples in an on again, off again relationship...



After the Relationship Ends

When a partner makes a choice to end a relationship, both people often suffer. They may miss each other, or they might wonder if they...


There are couples who cannot seem to decide if they should stay together or permanently part ways. They date or live together and everything is fine for a month or two, but they soon begin to disagree and argue. Once the situation has escalated out of control, one of them leaves vowing never to return. This type of relationship is chaotic and the couple should seek professional help with their issues. They often do not even understand the problem, and this keeps them from coming up with a workable solution.

Part of the attraction to this type of relationship is that distance makes the heart grow fonder. When the couple is together, they cannot agree on issues, yet they look back fondly on their ex-partner and think their differences are not so great when they are alone. Going back and forth in this manner will have long lasting repercussions for each person if they do not solve their issues and make a clean break or settle into a long term relationship.